A PLACE TO COME – Interview with Flatform – “A Place to Come is the place of paradox on the impossibility of possible worlds.”

Redefining the perception of space as M.C. Escher used to explore it in paintings, A PLACE TO COME reveals the mutual references between a plain description of a place and its concrete demonstration. FLATFORM is a group of artists founded in 2007,  based in Milan and Berlin. Their exhibitions and screenings were present in film festivals like Venice IFF, Rotterdam IFF, Tampere IFF, Nouveau Cinema IFF (Montreal, Canada), Indielisboa IFF (Lisbon, Portugal), etc. Continue reading

WE LIVED OUR ORDINARY LIVES – Interview with Daya Cahen – “Investigating how developments of exclusion, xenophobia and fear of otherness can arise within society is the starting point for all my work.”

How does one transform during war?  Subjective and genuine childhood memories of the siege of Sarajevo are combined with excerpts from guilty pleas from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Although in 2012 it is exactly 20 years ago the siege of Sarajevo began, the story doesn’t mention the actual context, becoming timeless and universal. DAYA CAHEN was born in Amsterdam. She is passionate about photographs, videos and video installations and her artistic work revolves around propaganda, indoctrination and mass psychology. Continue reading

THE MAN THAT GOT AWAY – Interview with Trevor Anderson – “It seemed like the best way to tell his the story of his life by making a musical – something he loved. It felt like a way to be true to him.”

Winner of the DAAD Award in Berlinale Shorts 2012 and highly acclaim in the international film festival circuit, this wonderfully entertaining musical documentary tells the true life story of Trevor’s great-uncle, Jimmy. Trevor Anderson is a self-taught, independent filmmaker. His work has screened at  many major international film festivals, including Sundance, Berlin, and Toronto. Continue reading

PLAYERS – Interview with Pilvi Takala – “Following social rules that were so different from my own was the biggest challenge with this project.”


PLAYERS portrays a community of 6 poker professionals who live among a larger poker community in Bangkok. While one of them, soberly explains the rules within their community, the artist herself, PILVI TAKALA, plays all the roles. Pilvi Takala currently lives and works in Amsterdam. She graduated in 2006 from Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki (MFA). Her works are narratives based on site-specific interventions and actions, sort of exceptions in everyday life. Continue reading

INTERNAL DISPLACEMENTS – Interview with Jean Christophe – “Photography gave me a greater range to play with the universe.”


“Internal Displacements” touchingly explores Transnistria, an enclaved zone, between Moldova and the Ukraine, an unrecognized de facto state situated in the Republic of Moldova. This political entity with its own cultural attributes is not recognized by any country of the international community including Russia where its troops are still deployed. Transnistria has become a region of internal displacement. The music composed by Hans Op de Beeck recreates the pulse of each character and the eclectic rhythm of their space. Continue reading