A PLACE TO COME – Interview with Flatform – “A Place to Come is the place of paradox on the impossibility of possible worlds.”

Redefining the perception of space as M.C. Escher used to explore it in paintings, A PLACE TO COME reveals the mutual references between a plain description of a place and its concrete demonstration. FLATFORM is a group of artists founded in 2007,  based in Milan and Berlin. Their exhibitions and screenings were present in film festivals like Venice IFF, Rotterdam IFF, Tampere IFF, Nouveau Cinema IFF (Montreal, Canada), Indielisboa IFF (Lisbon, Portugal), etc. Continue reading

VIA – Interview with Leonore Mercier – “To me, the sound permits a wider interpretation to the audience, as the picture leads and frames on what we have to focus on. I try to explore this dichotomy as a theme. I am writing a feature where the music is a character.”

Starring the versatile Denis Lavant (the fetish actor of Leos Carax), VIA is both a charming sample of meta-cinema and an intriguing journey of self discovery.Graduating cinema at The Paris Pantheon-Sorbonne University, and studying piano at the Bourges Conservatory, the visual artist LÉONORE MERCIER (b. 1985, Paris) has a very particular artistic background, obvious in the musical quality of her cinematic work. Continue reading

THE GENERATION OF SACRIFICE – Interview with JEAN CHRISTOPHE – “The new generation can retrospectively understand what was wrong, but I’m not sure if we can see what is right.”

THE GENERATION OF SACRIFICE recreates the terror of communist Romania of the 80’s, when the Secret Police aparatus included even very young spies, high school teenagers, convinced to betray their own family and friends. Starting from the Secret Police files, the French filmmaker JEAN CHRISTOPHE makes a sharp and disturbingly topical X-ray of the Romanian mindsets. Continue reading